Do You Know Where Your Shredded Hard Drives Go?

shredded_drivesNAID, the National Association for Information Destruction, announced in November a change in their requirements for disposal of shredded or crushed hard drives. Recognizing that environmental stewardship and compliance are important to their members and to their corporate customers, NAID is now requiring that destroyed hard drive material must go to a facility that is ISO 14001 certified.

Hard drives, whole or shredded, are considered by the EPA to be hazardous waste (as all electronics like computers, laptops and servers are). Your company is ultimately responsible for ensuring that this material is disposed of properly.

NAID AAA certification already ensures that a service provider meets the highest standards for information security and data destruction when handling electronic media. This new requirement aligns the certification with global requirements for proper recycling (ISO14001 is a global standard). In North America, most recyclers that have ISO14001 also have either e-Stewards 2.0 or R2:2013 electronics recycling certifications. These recycling certifications cover all electronics. So this change by NAID will ensure that all electronic media destroyed by NAID certified members is disposed of properly – even if the company doing the destruction is not an electronics recycler themselves.

Lifespan, as a leader in developing and promoting standards for the IT Asset Disposition and Data Destruction industry, strongly supports this change. Dag Adamson, Lifespan’s founder, is NAID Board Member.

To learn more about ensuring that your whole ITAD process meets all regulatory requirements and ensure secure data destruction, download our free paper:


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